Live Pure

Gail Sauter

Your Ageless Living Blueprint is here! Grab this guide and you’ll be in the know on how to put the brakes on aging! Start living younger today!

Is your body showing signs that it’s beginning to give out on you?  You know…the 3PM slump, dressing to hide the belly (where did that come from?), dull skin, soreness and stiffness you’re not used to and walking into a room and then wondering what you’re doing in there.  Have you tried the typical diet and exercise routines that USED to work but nothing is changing this time?  Do you fear that your genes are to blame and there’s nothing you can do about it?

  Look no further – help is here!  Empower yourself with the tools, motivation, compassionate support and accountability needed to overcome the aches, fatigue and weight that won’t budge.  Together, (and I really mean together – not like the big name wellness gurus who you only ‘meet’ on their previously recorded material) we’ll create a personalized plan that puts you back in control, allowing you to age with strength and confidence for good.

Ready?  Let’s do this!


Ditch the Toxins

THE most overlooked factor that could be causing health issues.  Find out what to do about it.


Eat Right (really!)

Learn which HIGH QUALITY foods will work best to nourish and fuel you while supporting the specific needs of YOUR body.  


Control Your Cravings

Stop being a slave to carbs and sugar. Recognize and learn how to kick your cravings to the curb.


Create Easy Meals

Discover my best secrets to design quick, simple, delicious and healthy meals for life.


Stress Less

Develop and practice mindful habits to manage your stress levels and keep you feeling in control.  You’ve got this!


Motivation & Support

I’ll be by your side every step of the way, encouraging you on your unique path to better health.

Finding it Tough to Feel Your Best? 

It’s a little known fact that the thousands of chemicals we are exposed to in our products and food every day can drive up chronic inflammation, which in turn interferes with energy levels, ability to lose weight, appetite regulation and more.   Many health issues can eventually arise, such as autoimmune disease, asthma, anxiety, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc.

And you have no idea where to start to change things up to avoid the worst culprits… 


Do you get overwhelmed and confused trying to sift through the massive amount of nutrition information out there, only to discover many dietary theories contradict each other?

And you don’t know which advice to follow to feel your best…

Does your meal planning lack creativity and your shopping list look pathetically the same week in and week out?

And you can’t find the time/resources to meal plan at all…And usually find yourself heading for the nearest take out joint or making a beeline to the processed food aisle…

I get it – you ARE health-conscious… and you’re smart and saavy enough to do this on your own.  BUT….it takes time, effort and research and you’re so caught up in the responsibilities of family, work, etc., that you’re stretched too thin to find time !  Life just seems to get in the way of making yourself and your health a top priority.  Sound familiar? 

Don’t let yourself become THAT person that finally reaches the age where they have time for themselves but has lost the strength and energy to do those bucket list things or go on those amazing adventures…

Instead, imagine a future filled with stamina and vitality, without fear of physical limitations or fatigue holding you back…   

I’m on a mission to help YOU create your very own success story!  If you are ready to take control of your health, live life fully and committed to make it happen, let me help you weed through the noise!  Together we will create a solid, easy to follow plan, tailored to your needs that will fit seamlessly into your busy life. 

Repeat after me.  Your new mantra is ‘self-care is NOT self-ish’! 


Develop actionable goals and learn how to reach them


Learn how you can incorporate all the foods you love into your life – without scales or food trackers


Reclaim your energy without relying on caffeine or sugar


Find out why the QUALITY of the food you consume makes a huge difference in your health  


Create a system to slowly remove toxic products from your home and life


Ditch the ‘diet mentality’ and learn why eating less and exercising more doesn’t work


Live a full, active life without worrying about physical limitations


Break free from negative habits and recapture your sparkle 


Kiss that muffin top goodbye and good riddance and finally feel confident in your body

Let’s create your best health!

About Gail

I am a smoothie bowl fanatic, loving mother of 2 beautiful grown girls and three cats (yep, crazy cat lady!) and an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I pride myself on keeping up to date with current wellness trends  – and am proud to say that by living what I’ve learned, I am in my sixties, on NO prescription meds and feel great! I’m very passionate about spreading my knowledge to empower as many people as possible to attain optimal health so they can live full lives for many years to come!

I trained at the largest nutrition school in the world – The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) where I learned that bio-individuality means that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to how to eat right!  I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts.  The key to health comes from so much more than just what’s on your plate!

  I took a deep dive into the world of toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis and realized our bodies are constantly bombarded with unsafe chemicals – not only the food we eat – but also in the products we use, the air we breathe and the water we drink and bathe in.  It is imperative to learn to steer clear of the worst culprits.  Unfortunately our government is not equipped to protect us at this time, so we must get educated to become our own best health advocates.

I compassionately support clients using my customizable programs that guide them in making small, sustainable nutrition and lifestyle shifts that make all the difference.  I specialize in teaching about the importance of the QUALITY of the food and products we put onto and into our bodies. It’s not about dieting. It’s about lifestyle shifts and true nourishment from the inside out.

My Programs

One on One VIP Coaching

Let’s work together, side by side, to craft an individualized, sustainable, easy to follow plan for you to thrive and for your body to feel vibrant and energized – the way it should!

customized timeframe

The Live Younger Feel Better Method

Everything the busy, health-conscious person needs to optimize their health for the long term.  This signature program is THE game changer!!

3 months


So many to choose from!  Rotating list of topics, including: Focus on Healthy Eating, Fueling Your Day for Sustained Energy, Toxin Reduction, Gluten Free Eating and more.

1  to 3 hours

Let’s connect!


“Because of the changes I have made in my pantry, my food choices, my decrease in toxins, my uptake in hydration, etc- my husband, who ended up following the program along with me- benefited in a huge way- HE WAS RECENTLY TAKEN OFF INSULIN!!” -Susan K.

“Gail came up with a plan specifically to meet my needs and I have already started losing that stubborn ten pounds!  Thanks, Gail, for providing me with easy, sensible strategies and making me realize I could do it!” – Jean L.

“The Right Track Wellness Program has kept me on track and I have been making smart healthy choices…” – Jennifer Y.

“Being a client of yours has changed my life. I am now equipped with the tools I need to take control of my “kingdom”. And it has worked to bring balance for me. I still have a ways to go but I am feeling more and more empowered to keep the changes I have made and to keep learning all I can. Our food system is completely broken and I want better for us.”  – Donna S.

“The program has been so beneficial on so many levels. The major shift in mindset to eating (and moving away from the diet mentality) has been liberating. Understanding how processed foods and toxic chemicals can impact our short/long term health has been eye-opening. There is a calmness to the program that has impacted my physical and mental health. THANK YOU!” – Patty L.


Carrot Beet Cupcakes

Carrot Beet Cupcakes

Carrot Beet Cupcakes The most nutrient-dense cupcakes! 1/2 cup Pecans, toasted3 eggs1 tsp Cinnamon1/2 tsp Nutmeg1/2 tsp Cloves, ground1/2 tsp Allspice, ground1 cup Coconut Oil1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder1 tsp Baking Soda1 tsp Vanilla1 1/4 cups Turbinado Sugar, raw1 cup...

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Chicken Kale Peanut Salad

Chicken Kale Peanut Salad

Chicken Kale Peanut Salad A visually appealing, filling, healthy main dish salad. 1 lb Chicken Breast, organic, poached, sliced thin1 Cucumber, chopped1 jicama, chopped1/4 lb Green Beans, chopped6 large Kale Leaves, chopped1 cup Napa (or red) Cabbage, sliced thin4...

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Gail’s Ground Turkey Lettuce Wraps

Gail’s Ground Turkey Lettuce Wraps

Gail's Ground Turkey Lettuce Wraps This is a light and easy family favorite. There are so many ways to customize this recipe! 1 lb Ground Turkey, organic1 can Water Chestnuts, diced2-3 Carrots, organic, diced1/2 Onion, diced1/3 cup Hoisin Sauce1/4 cup Coconut Aminos,...

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I am a Talking Toxins graduate!